Yesterday, I saw this vegetable in the supermarket, the label said "DSP yellow melon" (which is not true, first of all, it's orange, then, it does not look at all like a melon, but who knows??) Melon or not melon, it was wrapped in a plastic foiled so I could not touch or smell it, but finding it's orange colour attractive, I bought it anyway. (Risky life here in Hong Kong)
It looks like a silly sausage, so I put some flowers next to it, to give it some style which it badly lacks. On dirait une stupide saucisse, alors j'ai mis des fleurs a cote pour lui donner la classe qui lui manque cruellement.
Hier, j'ai vu au supermarche le legume ci-dessus. L'etiquette disait DSP Melon Jaune, (ce qui n'est pas vrai, d'abord parcequ'il est orange, ensuite il n'a pas du tout l'air d'un melon, mais sait-on jamais? Melon ou pas, il etait emballe dans un film plastique, donc impossible de le toucher ou de le sentir, mais trouvant sa couleur orange attirante je decidai de l'acheter. (On vit dangereusement ici, a Hong Kong).
Back home I unwrapped it, and it strongly smelt of cucumber, so I cut it in two and it became obvious that the so-called yellow melon was actually an orange cucumber.
In the plastic, it looks like a sausage, wihout it actually, it looks like an orange cucumber and terribly smells like an energic one!/ Sans le film plastique, qui lui donne un air de saucisse, il a nettement l'air d'un concombre orange et il sent d'ailleurs comme un concombre energique!
Je me fis donc une salade et pelai notre ami, plus dur qu'un concombre europen, et nettement plus fort comme gout. Les Chinois (m'apprend Mardee, notre Helper Philipine) le mettent dans la soupe ou il disparait laissant un gout tres fort, il va falloir essayer ca!
I made myself a salad for lunch, pealed our friend, which was harder than any european cucumber, and obviously stronger in taste. Chinese people (I was told by Mardee, our Philipino Helper) put it in the soup where it disappears leaving behind it, a strong flavour, I'll have to try that next time!
Tiens nous au courant !
RépondreSupprimerNous avons eu David à diner vendredi soir nous avons passé une excellente soirée de Shabbat.
A très vite,