Yesterday, we took the ferryboat from Central (Hong Kong Island) to Yung Sue Wan (Lamma Island), a 30 mn trip. The small island has 2 main fisher villages : in the north Yung Sue Wan, in the East, Sok Kwu Wan. We went to the North and strolled in the very touristic but nice village. Lots of shops, many restaurants, a small colourful shrine.
Bamboo scaffolding (in Hong Kong the scaffoldings are all made of bamboo) Echaffaudage en bambou. (a Hong Kong tous les echaffaudages sont en bambou)
Hier, nous avons pris le ferry a Central (Ile de Hong Kong) pour Yung Sue wan (ile de Lamma) Ca prend seulement 30 minutes. La petite ile a deux villages de pecheurs principaux : au nord Yung Sue Wan, a l'Est Sok Kwu Wan. Nous primes le ferry pour le Nord et nous promenames dans le tres touristique mais joli village. Beaucoup de magasins, de restaurants, un petit temple tres colore.
Then we walked for one hour and a half to the second village through a loveley path, with beautifull views of the sea and nice little houses on the way. We were amazed at the number of big and magnificient butterflies and dragonflies.
on the way / en chemin
Ensuite nous marchames pendant une heure et demie, jusqu'au second village, le long d'un joli chemin, avec de superbes vues sur la mer et au passage, de jolies maisons. Nous fumes surpris par le nombre incroyable d'enormes papillons colores et de libellules.
Once in Sok Kwu Wan, we saw the small local shrine, slightly kitsch to my taste but with beautifull nympheas on the entrance stairs. We had lunch by the port, in a local fish restaurant, then we took the ferry boat back to Central.
Arrives a Sok Kwu Wan, nous admirames le petit temple local, assez kitsch a mon gout, mais avec de jolis nenuphar dans des vasques sur l'escalier de l'entree. Dejeuner dans un restaurant de poissons, puis retour en ferry a Central.
From the ferry, we could see enormous cargo with containers. I had never seen them from so close. Our furniture and clothes and books arrived in a container like those, it took them 6 weeks from Paris to Hong kong. Now Hong Kong port's dockers are on strike for a salary raise. It's a hard strike, so many containers carriers have to await in the harbour,God knows for how long?
the container carriers are huge, Mark is interested in them because they are his clients in satellite communications / Les porte-containers sont enormes, Mark s'y interesse beaucoup car se sont ses clients en telecommunications par satellites..
Once in Sok Kwu Wan, we saw the small local shrine, slightly kitsch to my taste but with beautifull nympheas on the entrance stairs. We had lunch by the port, in a local fish restaurant, then we took the ferry boat back to Central.
Arrives a Sok Kwu Wan, nous admirames le petit temple local, assez kitsch a mon gout, mais avec de jolis nenuphar dans des vasques sur l'escalier de l'entree. Dejeuner dans un restaurant de poissons, puis retour en ferry a Central.
From the ferry, we could see enormous cargo with containers. I had never seen them from so close. Our furniture and clothes and books arrived in a container like those, it took them 6 weeks from Paris to Hong kong. Now Hong Kong port's dockers are on strike for a salary raise. It's a hard strike, so many containers carriers have to await in the harbour,God knows for how long?
Chaque "boite" a la taille d'une remorque de camion / every "box" has the size of a truck's trailer.
Du ferry, nous avons pu voir d'enormes porte-containers. Je n'en avais jamais vu d'aussi pres. Nos meubles, vetements et livres, sont arrives dans un container comme ceux-la, ca leur a pris 6 semaines de Paris a Hong Kong. Maintenant, les dockers du port de Hong Kong sont en greve pour une hausse de salaire. C'est une greve dure et de nombreux porte-containers doivent attendre dans le port, Dieu sait pour combien de temps.
When we arrived in Central, a surprise awaited us, we heard music and saw kids running toward an Icecream lorry, just like in England, but with Chinese characters on the van.
Quand nous avons accoste a Central, une surprise nous attendait, nous avons entendu une musique et vu des enfants courir vers une camionnette de glaces, exactement comme en Angleterre, mais il y avait des caracteres chinois sur la camionnette.
Lamma, as well as Lantau, are very beautiful islands belonging to Hong Kong, you can get there by ferryboat, but there are many other islands worth visiting.
Lamma, tout comme Lantau, sont de tres jolies iles faisant partie de Hong Kong, on y accede en ferry, mais il y a des tas d'autres iles qui meritent la visite.
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