Last Saturday, we went to see a photo exhibition at the Science Museum in Kowloon. It was extraordinary animals and nature pictures, taken by talented and well equiped semi-professionnal photographers. There were pinguins seen from under the sea, wild animals of all kinds, it was breath taking! I highly recommend this exhibition to Hong Kong friends.
Samedi dernier, nous sommes alles voir une exposition de photos au Musee des Sciences de Kowloon. C'etait d'extraordinaires photos d'animaux et de nature, prises par des semi-professionnels talentueux et tres bien equipes. Il y avait des pingouins vus de sous la mer, des animaux sauvages de toutes sortes, c'etait a couper le souffle! Je recommande chaleureusement cette exposition aux amis Hong Kongiens.
Mardi soir, nous sommes alles a la mairie de Hong Kong (qui a des theatres) ecouter de l'opera chinois c'etait une troupe de Heibe.
Voici le programme (car les photos sont interdites)
Here is the Program because no pictures allowed during the show.
On Tuedsday, we went to Hong Kong City Hall (they have theatres there) to hear Chinese Opera by a troupe of Heibe.
They were amazing, dancing, singing, miming, very expressive, and so souple....There was a small orchestra the instruments of which sounded much as human chinese singing voices.Ils etaient etonnants, ils dansaient, chantaient, faisaient du mime, ils etaient expressifs et incroyablement souples..Il y avait un petit orchestre dont les intruments avaient les memes sons que les voix humaines chinoises chantant.
Photos du programme.
Un homme vient de perdre sa femme et pleure pour exprimer sa tristesse. (melodramatique)
A man has just lost his wife and cries expressing his deep sorrow (melodramatic)
une jeune fille non mariee reve a son mariage, mais helas se reveille toujours celibataire... (tres drole) A young maid dreams of her wedding ceremony but unfortunatly wakes up, still unmarried (very funny)
Il y a des conventions a connaitre, quand les artistes marchent en rond sur la scene, ca signifie qu'ils font des kilometres.... Les gestes ont aussi un sens que nous ne connaissons pas toujours. C'est un art populaire, tres technique, mais le public rit beaucoup et applaudit les performances les plus spectaculaires.
There are conventions that you must know for instance when the artists walk on the stage in circle, that means they are walking for miles... Some gestures have a special meaning which often escapes us. It's a popular art, very technical, and the public laughs heartily, and applauses the most spectacular performances.
Next time we will try Cantonese opera.
La prochaine fois nous essayerons l'opera Cantonnais.
Ce soir Jeudi 17 Juillet, concert, encore a la Mairie, Beethoven concertos pour piano. Tonight Thursday 17 July, concert, also at the Town Hall, Beethoven Piano concertos.
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