Todays South China Morning Post, has a funny article on FACE-KINIS in the seaside city of Qingdao in Shandong province: "Protecting head masks, sometimes accompanied by matching body suits."...
In Asia "with the pursuit of an age-old aesthetic ideal - a pale complexion- .... women have come up with a variety of ways" (to protect their face and body while going to the beach in order not to get tanned.)
Our Chinese friends are wise and will avoid skin cancers!
Nos amis chinois sont sages et eviteront bien des cancers de la peau!
Other new useful outfit :Kai Phong, our Chow, is petrified by thunder storms, she is scared, she peaces and walks all night long, if the storm is long, she wants to be with us, she is panting....It's heart breaking.
In Asia "with the pursuit of an age-old aesthetic ideal - a pale complexion- .... women have come up with a variety of ways" (to protect their face and body while going to the beach in order not to get tanned.)
All photos: South China Morning Post Monday July 15 2013
Dans le South China Morning Post d'aujourd'hui, il y a un article amusant sur les VISAGE-KINIS en Chine dans la province de Shandong, dans la ville de bord de mer de Qingdao : "Des masques de protection du visage, parfois accompagnes de costumes assortis" ...
En Asie, "avec la poursuite d'un ideal esthetique seculaire - d'avoir le teint pale - ... les femmes ont imagine diverses manieres... (de proteger leur visage et leur corps, lorqu'elles vont a la plage, afin d'eviter de bronzer. )
According to the SCMP's article :"The masks were invented by a local about 8 years ago, to protect beachgoers from sunburn and harmful UV rays, but they've also proved useful at repelling insects and jellyfish."
D'apres l'article du SCMP : "Les masques ont ete inventes par une personne locale, il y a environ 8 ans, pour proteger les plagistes des brulures du soleil et des dangereux rayons UV, mais ils se sont aussi averes utiles pour eloigner les insectes et les meduses."
Our Chinese friends are wise and will avoid skin cancers!
Nos amis chinois sont sages et eviteront bien des cancers de la peau!
Other new useful outfit :Kai Phong, our Chow, is petrified by thunder storms, she is scared, she peaces and walks all night long, if the storm is long, she wants to be with us, she is panting....It's heart breaking.
Autre vetement utile : Kai Phong notre chow-chow, est terrifiee par les orages, elle a tres peur, elle va et vient sans cesse dans l'appartement, toute la nuit si l'orage dure, elle veut rester avec nous dans la chambre, elle halete... ca fend le coeur!
Mark found a solution on internet : a Thunder-Shirt. Mark a trouve une solution sur Internet, un manteau d'orage.
The dog wears it when there is a storm, and it reduces the anxiety because the "shirt" is fixed tightly around the dog's body and this pressure seems to calm the animal, On le met au chien en cas d'orage et ca le rassure car le manteau est serre autour de son corps, et cette pression semble l'apaiser.
Je ne fais pas de pub, mais voici notre nouvelle acquisition :
I am not paid to advertise the thing but here is our new acquisition :
There was a long storm yesterday night and Kai Phong was scared, so we tried the new "shirt" and she accepted it and felt much better... I was doubtful, but it works! She settled down quietly and started to snore, sleeping. so we also went to bed!
Il y eut un long orage hier soir, et Kai Phong avait tres peur, alors nous essayames son nouveau "manteau" et elle l'accepta sans rechigner et sembla beaucoup mieux... J'etais sceptique, mais ca marche! Elle s'installa pour dormir calmement et commenca a ronfler... alors, nous allames aussi nous coucher!
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