We have spent 3 days in Taipei with David and Myriam. We stayed at the Grand Hotel which Mark and I had loved so much 3 years ago when we first visited Taipei. We also saw the very high tower, called 101 and had a great view on the city and it's surrounding mountains.
Taipei's Grand Hotel |
Grand Hotel de Taipei |
Nous avons passe 3 jours a Taipei avec David et Myriam. Nous sommes restes au Grand Hotel que Mark et moi avions tant aime lors de notre premiere visite a Taipei il y a 3 ans. Nous sommes aussi montes a la grande tour de Taipei appelee 101, d'ou nous avions une vue spectaculaire de 380 degres, sur la ville et les montagnes environnantes.
We saw the famous museum of Taipei where the best of Chinese art is kept. We ate funny street food.
Nous avons visite le celebre musee de Taipei ou sont conserves les plus beaux tresors d'art chinois. Nous avons mange des mets amusants dans la rue.
We visited several temples, an old house, then we took a boat outside the city and visited various places.
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