samedi 22 décembre 2012

Voyage du chien a Hong Kong (2)/ Dogs's travel to HONG KONG (2)

22 Decembre

Mercredi, je me suis levee a 6h du matin pour promener Kai Phong avant le grand depart, puis a 7h, M. Escoval, le mari de Maria  notre femme de menage parisienne, nous a accompagnees Myriam, Kai Phong et moi a l'aeroport. Il nous a d'abord conduites au fret, deposer Kai Phong. 
J'ai laisse tous ses papiers et vaccins qu'on a scotches a la cage de transport, (Notre agent Hong Kongais avait bien insiste pour que les documents ne soient pas scotches sur la cage, mais les francais affirmaient qu'ils faisaient toujours comme ca et que ca posait moins de problemes que de les donner a un agent d'Air France qui risquait de prendre un autre avion que le chien...) Ne sachant que croire, je me contentais d'insister pour que le scotchage soit double, voire triple. Je ne maitrisais absolument pas la situation et n'avais plus qu'a prier pour que le chien arrive a Hong Kong dans le meme avion que nous...)
Nous lui avons souhaite bon voyage, et une petite camionnette l'a emmenee vers la douane et l'avion.
22th December
Last wednesday, I woke up at 6 am, to walk Kai Phong before the long journey ahead of her. Then at 7 am, Mr Escoval, our Parisian cleaner's Portuguese husband, took us (Myriam, K Ph and I) to Charles De Gaulle airport. He first went to the cargo area, to deliver Kai Phong.
I left all her papers and vaccination certificate which were taped on the air travel crate , (our Hong Kong agent had insisted on the fact that the documents must not be taped on the crate, but given to Air France... but the French agent pointed out that they always did tape the documents which was much safer than giving them to someone at Air France who may fly on another plane than the dog...) Not knowing what to believe, all I could do was to insist on them to double, and even triple tape the documents on the crate. As I had absolutly no control of the situation, all I could do was pray and hope the dog will arrive to Hong Kong on the same plane as us...)
We said bye bye to the dog, which was taken to custom and to the plane on a small van.
I did not know if I would see the dog again... The whole situation had made me become totally paranoiac.
When we were called to board the plane I asked the hostess to check that my dog was already on the plane. She confirmed, but that was not enough for me, once on the plane I asked one of the stewards to ask the captain to confirm that my dog was there. He came back to me saying : "Everything is on board" which in fact meant the dog and all it's documents and authorizations were all signed and on the plane. I felt partly relieved.
Je me demandais si je reverrais jamais mon chien... car j'etais devenue completement paranoiaque.
Lorsqu'on nous appela pour l'embarquement, je demandai a une hotesse de verifier que mon chien etait bien a bord, ce que renseignements pris, elle confirma, mais cela ne me suffisait pas. Une fois dans l'avion, je demandais a un steward que le commandant de bord me confirme que mon chien etait bien dans l'avion. Il revint en me disant "Tout est bien a bord" ce qui en fait, signifiait : le chien, les papiers et autorisations et signatures diverses sont tous a bord de l'avion. Je me sentis partiellement rassuree.
Apres une nuit sans sommeil, mais au cours de laquelle j'avais visionne 3 films recents, nous arrivames a Hong Kong et une fois les bagages recuperees, nous fumes accueillies par Georges, notre agent Hong Kongien qui curieusement avait un accent du Nord de l'Angleterre. Il s'averra qu'il avait vecu 26 ans a York.
After a sleepless night, during which I saw 3 recent movies, we landed in Hong Kong and once the luggage collected, we were met by Georges, our Hong Kong agent who curiously had a Northern England accent. He had lived for 26 years in York.
He took us in a mini van to custom at the other end of the airport where we waited for 45 minuts for what they called "the bill", in fact the dog's traveling document which was signed by the pilot. We had more adventures ahead of us. 
Georges nous emmena en minibus a la douane ou nous attendimes pendant 45 minutes un document qu'ils appelaient the bill (la facture) en realite le document de voyage du chien signe par le commandant de bord. C'etait loin d'etre fini.
Munis de l'indispensable "bill" nous nous rendimes au fret chercher Kai Phong dans sa cage. Elle fut contente de nous voir.

Nous partimes pour l'accueil sanitaire des animaux. Georges me prevint que les veterinaires allaient re-vacciner Kai Phong de la rage. Je lui fis remarquer qu'elle venait d'etre vaccinee en Novembre, mais c'etait non negociable. Il m'apprit en plus qu'on allait lui re-mettre une puce de Hong Kong car les puces francaises avaient trop de numeros pour le logiciel veterinaire Hong Kongien.

Pauvre Kai Phong, pour la premiere fois prisonniere dans une cage, suivi d'un tres long bapteme de l'air (11h30 de vol) suivi de deux piqures douloureuses. On comprend qu'elle ait passe deux jours sans manger apres ca!
Once we had got the precious "bill" we went to the cargo area at the other end of the airport, to fetch Kai Phong in her crate. She was really happy to see us.

Then we went to the living animals veterinary center. Georges warned me that the Hong Kong vet would do a new rabbia vaccination to Kai Phong. I objected that she just had that same vaccination a month ago, but Georges told me it was compulsary as well as a new Hong Kong chip, because French chips had too many numbers for Hong Kong vet's software.

Poor Kai Phong prisonner for the first time in a crate, then her first flight, a very long one (11 hours 30 minuts) then 2 very painful shots to welcome her in Hong Kong! No wonder it took her 48 hours to start eating again.

George took all of us back from the airport to our flat where Mark was waiting for us. The 3 of us were so happy to see him again after a month separation.

Georges nous amena de l'aeroport a notre appartement ou Mark nous attendait. Nous etions toutes les trois si heureuse de le revoir apres une longue separation d'un mois.

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