Friday was a holiday in Hong Kong, (Budha's birthday) so Mark and I took a 3 days week-end in Taipei (capital of Taiwan). I had found an amazing hotel on Internet, in a traditionnal Chinese style where we booked 2 nights it's The Grand Hotel of Taipei.
Inside, the various lobby, salons and numerous restaurants are all furnished with typically Chinese furniture/ A l'interieur, les divers entree, salons et restaurants sont tous meubles de facon typiquement chinoise.
En fait, le Grand Hotel fut construit pour accueillir les hotes officiels de Chang Kai Chek dans un beau palace de style chinois. Nombreux sont les hommes politiques et les acteurs de cinema qui resterent la, dans ce lieu qui fut "l'endroit ou il fallait aller" (et etre vus) a Taipei. Par la suite, des 5 etoiles plus modernes et plus confortables furent construits, mieux equipes que le Grand Hotel qui se demoda vite. Mais maintenant, les gens apprecient a nouveau, comme nous-memes, son style unique de palace chinois un peu desuet mais plein de charme.
In fact the Grand Hotel was built to host Chang Kai Chek's official guests in a beautiful and very Chinese palace. Many famous politicians an cinema actors slept there, it used to be "the place to go" in Taipei. Then new 5 stars hotels were built, more comfortable and better equiped than Grand Hotel which was'nt fashionable anymore. However, now people appreciate again it's unique Chinese style and enjoy its slightly quaint charm... as much as we did.
Ayant peur d'une invasion de la Chine Communiste, Chang Kai Chek avait fait construire des tunnels d'evasion sous l'hotel et nous avons pu en voir un. Je dois dire que cet hotel fut le plus reussi de tout notre sejour sa Taipei.
Scared of a possible invasion by Communist China, Chang Kai Chek had had tunnels constructed under the Grand Hotel and we could visit one of them. I must say this hotel was the highlight of our stay in Taipei.
Ayant peur d'une invasion de la Chine Communiste, Chang Kai Chek avait fait construire des tunnels d'evasion sous l'hotel et nous avons pu en voir un. Je dois dire que cet hotel fut le plus reussi de tout notre sejour sa Taipei.
Scared of a possible invasion by Communist China, Chang Kai Chek had had tunnels constructed under the Grand Hotel and we could visit one of them. I must say this hotel was the highlight of our stay in Taipei.
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