We have just received the future program of Hong Kong festival, and we will book tickets for some of the shows. On the program we saw an add for Jean Wong school of ballet and whose photo was on it?
- Chun Wing's of course.
Nous venons juste de recevoir le programme du Festival de Hong Kong, et nous allons prendre des places pour certains spectacles. Dans le programme il y avait une pub pour l'ecole de danse de Jean Wong et qui etait dessus en photo?
- Chun Wing, bien sur!
J'ai recu avec retard des fleurs offertes par une amie pour mon anniversaire, pour s'excuser le fleuriste avait rajoute son propre bouquet... des fleurs partout, j'adore!!!
Some flowers sent by a friend for my birthday arrived very late and to apologize, the flowershop added more flowers.... Flowers everywhere, I love it!!!
We attended a conference and took a taxi afterwards, in font of us an interesting Chinese door.
Au sortir d'une conference, nous attendions un taxi, en face de nous une porte chinoise interessante.
End of November we will go to Beijing, to visit the city during 4 days then attend Limmud Beijing 2015 where Mark will give a talk on "Jews of Uzbekistan and of the Silk Road". He is already working hard on his conference and learning a lot of things!
Fin Novembre nous irons a Peking, visiter la ville 4 jours, puis a Limmud Beijing 2015 ou Mark parlera "des Juifs d'Ouzbekhistan et de la route de la soie". Il prepare deja sa conference et travaille dur mais apprend plein de choses!
Rien d'autre a declarer....
Nothing else to declare
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