Yesterday 28 October was a good day. It was Mark's birthday, so we celebrated and will still celebrate today. Then I walked Kai Phong in the morning during one hour.
Hier fut un bon jour. C'etait l'anniversaire de Mark, alors on l'a fete et on continue aujourd'hui. Puis j'ai promene Kai Phong le matin pendant une heure.
We met her good friend a very nice and very small street cleaner, who loves to give her a treat. He only speaks Cantonese but we can exchange a few words.
On a rencontre son bon copain un tres gentil et tres petit (de taille) balayeur des rues, qui adore lui donner une friandise pour chien, Il parle seulement Cantonais mais nous pouvons echanger quelques mots.
We admired some of his working tools, arake and other bamboo brooms, some of them had obviously been used a lot. I am still a great fan of Asian bamboo brooms...

Nous admirames quelques uns de ses intruments de travail un rateau et des balais en bambou, certains fatigues. Je demeure une grande fan des balais en bambou asiatiques..
We admired some of his working tools, arake and other bamboo brooms, some of them had obviously been used a lot. I am still a great fan of Asian bamboo brooms...

Then we saw that new dogs toilets had been opened, Kai Phong had a look and did a wee-wee just outside them. (as many dogs do).
It's been almost 2 months since I last took this road with Kai Phong and I was delighted to see that the Bauhenias are blooming again.
Ca fait plus de 2 mois que je n'ai pas fait cette promenade avec Kai Phong et je fus ravie de constater que les Bauhenias sont a nouveau en fleurs.
In the afternoon, I had my first physiotherapy session in Happy Valley with Nelson. He was very nice and very gently, he did not hurt me at all. He checked the movements I can do and those I cannot yet. We did exercises accordingly, then he did some massage of the ligaments, we did more exercises and he gave me some home work till next session....tomorrow.
L'apres-midi, j'ai eu ma premiere session de kine a Happy Valley avec Nelson. Il fut tres gentil et tres doux, il ne me fit pas mal du tout. Il verifia les mouvements que je pouvais faire et ceux que je ne pouvais pas encore faire. Puis il fit des exercices en consequence, puis il massa les ligaments, nous fimes encore des exercices et il me donna du travail a faire a la maison en attendant la prochaine session... demain.
In the evening we attended a conference at the Jewish Community Center on Calcutta' Jews. It as very interesting and there was a small exhibition about this shrinking congregation that used to be so wealthy and thriving during the 2 last centuries. The conference was followed by an Indian Kosher dinner.
La conferenciere Jael Silliman The speaker Jael Silliman |
Judy and Michael GREEN |
Judy GREEN is president of the Hong Kong Jewish Historical Society Judy Green est la presidente de la Societe Historique Juive de Hong Kong |
Le soir nous assistames a une conference au Centre Communaitaire Juif sur les Juifs de Calcutta. Ce fut tres interessant et il y avait une petite exposition sur cette communaute moribonde, jadis si riche et prospere surtout au cours des XIXe et XXeme siecles. La conference fut suivie d'un diner Indien Cacher.
Torah Indienne appartenant a Ohel Leah synagogue de Hong Kong |
The Bagdadi Jews came to India with the British Les Juifs de Bagdad vinrent en Indes avec les Anglais |
Synagogue Magen David avec une grande tour pour l'horloge faisant sa fierte. Synagogue Magen David with a big clock Tower that made its pride |
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