After 6 weeks with a stretched leg it was time to remove the brace and try walking. Walking was Ok but I couldn't bend my knee much, as it was very stiff. I tried to sit casually and the pain was terrible! So I tried again sitting first with a stretched left leg, then gently pulling back my foot toward me. That was hard and painful , I could not bend the knee totally it was only slightly bent. I remained in that position for a while, then pulled again my foot so that my knee would bend more every time. I did not go very far but thought it was fine for a first day. I concentrated then on trying to walk normally.
Apres 6 semaines de jambe gauche tendue, le moment est venu d'enlever l'atele et d'essayer de marcher. Marcher, ca allait..., mais j'avais du mal a plier le genou qui etait completement raide. J'essayai de m'asseoir normalement et la douleur fut fulgurante! Alors j'essayai doucement, d'abord jambe gauche tendue, puis en rapprochant peu a peu mon pied sous moi pour plier le genou, ce fut dur et douloureux. Je ne pus le plier completement mais decidai que c'etait deja bien pour un premier jour et me concentrais alors sur tenter de marcher normalement sans boiter.
Not convincing yet... but it's a deal, tomorrow, I'll start physiotherapy so I took an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. I am scarred to death but let's see what happens...
Pas encore terrible... mais c'est decide, demain je vais chez le kine, rendez-vous est pris pour l'apres-midi. Je meurs de peur, mais on va bien voir ce qui se passe...
All day long I have been trying to sit with a knee as bent as possible till the pain remains bearable. I also tried stairs, not possible yet with the left side...
Toute la journee, j'ai essaye de m'asseoir en pliant le genou jusqu'a ce que ca fasse mal mais que ca reste supportable. J'ai essaye les marches d'escalier aussi, pas encore possible du cote gauche...
Meanwhile, I spend a lot of time painting my huge canvas. I must stop often and sit to rest my leg, but my work progresses really well anyway. Let see the bright side of things.
En attendant je peins et mon grand tableau avance bien, je dois m'arreter souvent pour m'asseoir et reposer ma jambe mais ca progresse tres bien quand meme. Voyons le bon cote des choses.
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