jeudi 5 novembre 2015


This first week of November, we attended 2 concerts: one in Central City Hall it was Avi Avital and the Cologne Chamber Orchestra. Avital is a famous Israeli mandolin player. He played 2 of Vivaldi seasons (Autumn and Winter) replacing the violin solo part by mandolin... which I did not like at all. 

En cette premier semaine de Novembre, nus sommes alles a 2 concerts : l'un a la mairie de Central, ou nous avons entendu Avi Avital et l'Orchestre de Chambre de Cologne. Avi Avital est un joueur de mandolin Israelien tres connu. Il a joue 2 des saisons de Vivaldi (l'Automne et l'Hiver) en remplacant le solo de violon par de la mandoline...ce qui ne m'a pas plu du tout... 

The public and Mark were very enthousiastic but I like violin too much to enjoy a mandolin replacing it... anyway Avital plays beautifully and like Lang Lang with his piano, Avital is a bit fussy and showing off... but he is very good.

Le public et Marke etaient tres enthousiastes mais j'aime trop le violon pour apprecier qu'on le remplace par de la mandoline...Avital joue merveilleusement bien et comme Lang Lang au piano, il en fait un peu trop pour mon gout dans le genre spectaculaire,... mais il faut reconnaitre qu'il est excellent techniquement.

Avital played other baroque music, the Cologne orchestra was great too... but we left at the interval because my knee was too painful and I could not have stayed any longer. It don't know if it was the sound of the mandolin which hurt so much, or my painful knee which made me dislike that sound... but after one hour I needed to leave to give my leg a good rest. Mark came with me, he should have stayed but he did not want to leave me alone... He is so nice!

Avital joua d'autre pieces baroques et l'orchestre de Cologne etait excellent aussi... mais nous partimes a l'entracte car mon genou me faisait trop mal pour rester plus longtemps. Je ne sais pas si c'est le son de la mandoline qui me faisait mal ou si c'est mon genou douloureux qui m'empechait d'apprecier la mandoline... mais apres une heure je dus partir pour reposer ma jambe. Mark vint avec moi, il aurait du rester, mais il ne voulait pas me laisser seule... il est vraiment gentil!

Yesterday was Wednesday and we attended a Guitar recital at the coffee shop of the Jewish Community Center. We had a quick buffet dinner and then, still sitting at our tables we heard Lucian Plessner who lives in Germany and is very keen on Argentina's guitar music. He played lots of Bernstein and some Gaucho's music. Very poetical, very well played by a very talented artist.

Hier Mercredi, nous avons ecoute un recital de guitare au coffee shop du Centre communautaire Juif. Nous dinames rapidement au delicieux buffet puis, toujours assis a notre table, nous ecoutames Lucian Plessner qui vit en Allemagne et adore la musique pour guitare des gauchos argentins. C'etait tres poetique, remarquablement joue par un artiste de grand talent.

As there were few of us in a small space, it was very intimate and Plessner gave explanations about his relationship to the composer of every piece he played. He new Bernstein very well, as well as many other modern composers. At the beginning he was tense, afraid that his audience (about 17 people) would eat while he played but we were too mesmerized and happy to do anything but listen to him. Then he relaxed and got better and better.

Comme nous etions peu nombreux dans un espace de petite taille, c'etait tres intime et Plessner expliquant ses relations avec les compositeurs qu'il avait choisi de jouer. Il connut bien Bernstein, ainsi que de nombreux compositeurs contemporains. Au debut il etait tendu, redoutant que son public (nous etions 17 personnes) ne mange en l'ecoutant, mais nous etions trop fascines par son talent pour faire autre chose que de l'ecouter. Il se relaxa peu a peu et devint encore meilleur.

Mark who did a few years of classical guitar was fascinated and so happy to attend such a marvelous concert. I enjoyed it too, we could have listen to Plessner all night. It was his first time in Hong Kong and he seemed to enjoy it and to be happy to discuss with people living so far from their native country.

Mark qui a fait quelques annnees de guitare classique etait fascine et tres heureux d'assister a un aussi beau concert. J'etais enchantee aussi, nous aurions pu ecouter Plessner toute la nuit. C'etait son premier voyage a Hong Kong et il semblait beaucoup s'y plaire et etre heureux de discuter avec des gens vivant si loin de chez leur pays d'origine.

This morning (Thursday) Kai Phong and I saw pretty flowers. 

Ce matin (Jeudi) Kai phong et moi avons vu de jolies fleurs.

On Saturday, Chun Wing's parents will come for lunch to our flat. We have not seen them for a long time, I look forward to it! That day will be David's 30th birthday!!! We will call him on Skype to wish him a Happy Birthday.

Samedi, les parents de Chun Wing viennent dejeuner a la maison, nous ne les avons pas vus depuis longtemps, j'ai hate de les revoir! Ce jour-la David aura 30 ans!!! Nous lui telephonerons sur Skype pour lui souhaiter un bon anniversaire.

Next week, we have 3 guests from France staying with us 7 nights, then the day they leave, 2 American friends are coming for a few days in HK and will also stay with us before heading to China.

La semaine prochaine, nous recevons 3 invites de France, qui passeront 7 nuits chez nous, puis le jour de leur depart, nous recevrons 2 amis Americains qui passent quelques jours a HK en chemin pour la Chine.

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