On our third day, we drove all around huge Tian An Men Square and saw Mao's mausoleum ( from outside), then we went to the Forbidden City. The Tian An Men Square is vast I had never realized how big it is, even in the car, it took us a long time to go all around it.
Le troisieme jour, nous fimes un tour en voiture de l'immense Tian An Men Square et vimes (de l'exterieur) le Mausolee de Mao, puis nous allames a la Cite Interdite. La Place de Tian An Men est vaste, je n'avais jamais realise a quel point. Meme en voiture cela nous prit longtemps pour en faire le tour.
Then we spent the rest of the morning visiting the Imperial Palace called the Forbidden City.
Nous passames le reste de la matinee a visiter le Palais imperial appele Cite interdite.
As some arab princes were visiting too, some parts of the Forbidden City were closed, but it was however at Chinese scale... an enormous Palace .... visited by a crowd of people.
Comme des princes arabes visitaient egalement, certaines parties de la Cite Interdite etaient fermees, mais ce n'en etait pas moins vaste, a l'echelle Chinoise... un palais enorme... visite par des foules de gens.
We saw courtyard after courtyard, and I was glad our guide knew his way perfectly inside that maze.
Les cours interieures se succedaient, et j'etais bien contente que notre guide connaisse parfaitement son chemin a travers ce labirynthe.
sceaux imperiaux Imperial seals |
Les cours interieures se succedaient, et j'etais bien contente que notre guide connaisse parfaitement son chemin a travers ce labirynthe.
Dragon symbol imperial Imperial symbol : the dragon |
Many pavilions were empty, some had very delicate and beautiful items.
Beaucoup de pavillons etaient vides mais certains contenaient des objets delicats et tres beaux.
Beaucoup de pavillons etaient vides mais certains contenaient des objets delicats et tres beaux.
Then we went to have a well deserved lunch.
Puis dejeuner bien merite.
Nos delicieuses petites mandarines etaient servies sur un plat qui fumait etrangement c'etait tres surprenant.
Then Off to Limmud Beijing 2015 a gathering of Jews from all Asia!!!
Puis dejeuner bien merite.
Our tiny delicious tangerines were on a plate full of surprising smoke |
Doggy bag in case Limmud's food was awfull (which was not the case) On emporte les restes au cas ou la nourriture est trop mauvaise a Limmud (ce qui ne fut pas le cas) |
Then Off to Limmud Beijing 2015 a gathering of Jews from all Asia!!!
Puis depart pour Limmud Beijing 2015 une reunion de Juifs venus de toute l'Asie.
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