lundi 28 mars 2016


Sorry for the delay but this past week, I have been busy showing Hong Kong with Mark to his uncle and aunt from Manchester. As they are 12 and 15 years older than us, they are very tired and  jet-lag, so we have to select carefully the most interesting and funny visits for them.Yesterday with a fine weather at last, we went to The Peak. Here are a few photos.


Desolee pour le delai mais la semaine passee, j'ai ete tres occupee a faire visiter Hong Kong avec Mark a son oncle et sa tante venus de Manchester. Comme ils ont 12 et 15 ans de plus que nous, ils sont tres fatigues par le decalage horaire, aussi deons-nous choisir avec soin les visites. Hier avec enfin du beau temps, nous sommes alles au Pic. Voici quelques photos.

Let's go back to Xian! On our 3rd day there we got up early to arrive early at the site where the world famous Terra Cotta soldiers were found. I had seen many photos, I had seen a few of them which were exhibited in Paris, but seeing so many of them is really something, they are magnificent and all different.


Revenons a Xian! Pour notre 3eme jour, nous partimes tot pour arriver tot sur le site ou les mondialement celebre soldats en Terra Cotta ont ete trouves et sont exposes. J'avais vu de nombreuses photos, j'avais vu les quelques exemplaires exposes a Paris, mais les voir si nombreux est incroyable, ils sont magnifiques et tous differents.

en cours de restauration
going through renovation

 The soldiers were found in 1974 by 4 farmers digging a well in their fields in a place located about 40 km from Xian.

Les soldats furent trouves en 1974 par 4 ferniers creusant un puits dans leurs champs, dans un lieu situe a environ 40 km de Xian.

It is now a museum so vast that from the parking to the museum there is 1 km walk in a beautiful garden. The soldiers were severely broken and had to be restored. The restoration is still on and new warriors are displayed every year. They are all different, with different faces, hairstyle, expressions, clothes, boots or shoes.

C'est maintenant un musee si vaste qu'il y a un km a pied a travers un beau jardin pour aller du parking au musee. Les soldats avaient ete severement endomages et durent etre restaures. La restauration se poursuit toujours et de nouveaux guerriers sont exposes chaque annee. Ils ont tous des visages, coiffures, expressions, uniformes et chaussures ou bottes differents.

All those soldiers were modeled 2200 years ago during the life of emperor Qin Shi in order to protect his tomb. Qin Shi also started building the Great Wall. He was very unpopular as he forced thousands of workers and farmers to work for free during years for the Great Wall as well as to build his tomb.

2nd pit with smaller soldiers
2eme fosse avec des soldats plus petits.


Tous ces soldats ont ete fabriques il y a 2200 ans, du vivant de l'empereur Qin Shi en vue de proteger son tombeau. Quin Shi est egalement l'initiateur des travaux de la Grande Muraille.Il etait tres inpopulaire car il forca des milliers d'ouvriers et de fermier a travailler gratuitement pour la Grande Muraille ainsi qu'a la construction de son tombeau.


The soldiers are presented in 3 different halls and in an exhibition center where they can be seen from very close..
Ils sont presentes dans 3 differents hangars ainsi que dans un hall d'exposition ou on peut les voir de tres pres.   

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