mercredi 13 avril 2016


Sorry I have not written for a long time. We spent 6 days in Shanghai and Tongli, Suzhou and Hangzhou in China, very interesting. Shanghai has 24 million inhabitants can you imagine???

Desolee de na'voir pas ecrit pendant. Nous aovns passe 6 jours a Shanghai, Tongli, Suzhou et Hangzhou en Chine, tres interessnat. Shanghai a 24 million d'habitants vous vous rnedez compte?

From now on I prepare Pesach, cleaning the flat, changing the food and the knives and forks and pans soon... and preparing ourselves for David and Myriam who arrive next week. Youpeee!!!! Meanwhile last Tuesday we hosted for dinnen Jean-luc, Dominique and their son Alexandre (who works and lives in Singapore.)

Desormais je prepare Pesah, nettoyant l'appartement changeant la nourriture et toute la vaisselle ... nous preparant pour l'arrivee de David et Myriam la semaine prochaine, Youpi!!! Et puis Mardi dernier nous aons eu a diner Jean-Luc, Dominique et leur fils Alexandre (qui vit et travaille a Singapour.)

Dominique is the daughter of Serge and Nicole who were looking after La Saugeraie our country house for years.... I call them every 2 months to chat. It was nice talking with Dominique about her parents and all her family which I have known all my life and who are for me like my own family.

Dominique est la fille de serge et Nicole qui s'occupaient de notre maison de campagne La Saugeraie, pendant des annees... je les appelle  tous les 2 mois pour bavarder. C'etait sympa d'echanger les dernieres nouvelles familiales avec Dominique sur ses parents que j'ai toujorus connus et qui sont pour moi comme ma propre famille.

Alexandre works for a public hospital in Singapore and is doing research on a rare illness that causes children to age prematurely and to die of old age at about 13 years. They know which gene causes that and the process involved but they have no clue how to stop it or to cure it.

Alexandre travaille dans un hopital public a Singapour et fait de la recherche sur une maladie rare qui fait que des enfants vieillissent prematurement et meurent de vieillesse a environ 13 ans. Ils connaissent le gene en cause, le processu concerne mais ils n'ont pas la moindre idee comment arreter ca ou le guerir.

Yesterday we went to Kowloon University to listen to Cedric Villani, who got the Field Medal in mathematics in 2010. The conference was organized by the French Consulate (the Field Medal is French) and  by the University. 

Hier nous sommes alles a Kowloon Universite enyendre Cedric Villani qui a eu la Medaille Field en 2010. La conference etait organisee par le Consulat de France et l'Universite. (Villani est Francais).

I did not understand a thing but it seemed interesting for those who followed. (among them Mark). The speaker answered many questions on the Universe, Chaos or not, etc...and showed a lot of interest and patience in the audience's questions, he answered them in details with a lot of respect. He was very impressive and seemed really bright!

Je n'y ai rien compris mais ca avait l'air interessant pour cuex qui comprenanit (Mark en etait). Le conferencier repondit a de nombreuses questions sur l'Univers, le Chaos ou pas, il demontra beaucoup d'interet et de patience pour les questions des auditeurs, il leur repondit en grand detail avec beaucoup de respect. Il etait tres impressionnant et semblait tres brillant.

Then, just after the conference we went to dinner in Central 4 Seasons hotel at a Cambridge Alumni's fund rising dinner. Very British!!! Even the Chinese alumnis spoke a perfect English. Mark was in heaven having many alumni from his former college at the table.

Puis, juste apes la conference, nous allames a l'Hotel 4 saisons de Central a un diner de collecte aupres des anciens de l'Universite de Cambridge. Tres British!!! Meme les anciens Chinois parlaient parfaitement l'Anglais.Mark etait au paradis ayant plusieurs anciens de son college a notre table.

Today I went to buy Pessach food at the very busy Community Center and I finished drawing nice illustrations for the Seder Plate that the kids from the Talmud Torah will decorate and bring back home this coming Sunday. 

Ajourd'hui je suis allee acheter de la nourriture de pessah au Centre Communautaire avec une queue j'ai fini les dessins des mets a disposer sur le plateau de Seder que les enfants du Talmud Torah decoreront Dimanche qui vient et rapporteront chez eux. 

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